Collaboration Search

Search by university combinations via ROR-IDs.

Data generated from OpenAlex database (coauthorship). At least two universitiy ROR-ID's must be provided to display their collaboration networks. Search terms can be added with the   Add search field button, and deleted with the button. Search is only based off the institution ROR-ID. The possible inputs are:

  • Institution: Institution in abbreviated format. For example, for Universitat de Barcelona, the abbreviation would be UB. This is used only for labelling in the visualization of the network.
  • ROR: When input is introduced at the input field, a list of possible institutions is shown. Select only one institution per input field. Once an option is selected, the ROR ID is automically selected.
    Instructions: For the ROR search input Barcelona, we get the following list of options.
    One option must be selected and then the button pressed. The same instructions apply when selecting the filters, but in this case more than one option can be selected.


Apply discipline or keywords filters

Select disciplines or keywords to filter the results. Leave blank to search collaborations without filtering.